Devoted 2 Vintage, Helping you do your bit for the Environment
Released on: August 6, 2008, 2:40 am
Press Release Author: Devoted 2 Vintage
Industry: Retail
Press Release Summary: Vintage clothes supplier, Devoted 2 Vintage is pleased to be doing their bit to help the environment...
Press Release Body: Vintage clothes supplier, Devoted 2 Vintage is pleased to be doing their bit to help the environment.
What better way to help the environment than by recycling clothes that otherwise would be destined for the rubbish? In fact, with many modern designer collections being based on vintage or retro designs, why settle for an imitation when quite often, an original piece can be sourced.
(Paul Armstrong - Managing Director D2V Ltd.) said;
"Designers the world over seek inspiration from decades gone by and modern collections are often heavily influenced by iconic designs. Buying from a vintage clothes shop allows you to get the key look while helping the environment at the same time."
Choosing to buy vintage is something Devoted 2 Vintage are keen to support, after all, when you buy a piece of retro clothing you are helping to save the environment. Clothing that is all too often thrown away ends up in landfills which recycling helps to reduce. In addition, many cotton crops that are used for clothes manufacture are sprayed with pesticides. These pesticides are known to sometimes be harmful to the environment.
We must also not forget that many modern, mass produced clothes are produced in sweatshops around the world. Buying a piece of vintage clothing means that you can be sure that you are not supporting this kind of trade.
(Paul Armstrong - Managing Director D2V Ltd.) also stated;
"No one likes to think about the fact that in some cases, the clothes they are wearing is made at the expense of child labour and third world sweatshops. Choosing to wear vintage gives us the confidence in knowing that we do not support such methods of manufacture."
Buying retro clothes says a lot about who you are and adds to the number of things an individual can do to help the environment. Recycling is a great way to help make a difference and what better way than with the clothes we wear.
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Contact Details: 230a St Johns Road Boxmoor Hemel Hempstead Herts, HP1 1QQ United Kingdom
Tel. 01442 234400 or 07525 863795
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